What To Do During a Quarantine

What To Do During a Quarantine

You’ve been quarantining for a couple of weeks now, you’re getting a little stir crazy and are looking for some things to do to occupy your time creatively. While we offer some creative crafts for the kids and a new recipe to try, here are some other things that you can do, appliance related, to get the most out of your appliances… and time.

  1. By definition, we are now in Spring and quarantined. Time to bust out the cleaning supplies and get to your Spring cleaning. In some of our previous blogs, we’ve given step by step directions on how to do just that. Here are some tips for cleaning your dishwasher, oven (self-cleaning), vent hood filters, microwave and your refrigerator.
  2. If you’ve already gone through and cleaned your appliances, now’s the time to talk maintenance. Here are some really good ideas on how to improve the longevity of your oven, range/stove, clothes washerrefrigerator, and cooktops.
  3. Are you looking for the best way to get the bang for your buck? Here’s how your appliances can help you save energy… and money!
  4. Maybe you’re looking for crafts to keep the kiddos occupied. We have previously written a blog about dryer lint crafts. Take a look!
  5. Maybe you have some new recipes that you’d like to try. Jeff Guinn, the President and Owner of Guinco Service, has previously shared a family favorite, Chile Green Casserole.

Now’s the time to get in there and get your appliances working up to snuff. One day, once this has passed, we will all be back to our normal selves and our busy schedules. Take advantage of this time and get your appliances back to the young spring chickens they once were.

Our company is taking all precautions necessary along with following guidelines laid out by the CDC, WHO, Whirlpool and OSHA to service you better. So if you’re having a bigger issue with an appliance, give us a call and we will send out one of our professional technicians to help!

Thank you for letting our family help yours!

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