Wine Cooler Making You Whine?

When it comes to appliance repair blogs, wine coolers don’t get near enough love. While they aren’t used daily, they often maintain what will be the key to your next gathering of friends or family: the wine! This is the nightmare scenario: you’ve been putting off drinking that special bottle until the dinner party, and when you pull it out it’s gone bad due to temperature, lighting, humidity, or poor storage. With this blog, we’d like to help you avoid that altogether.


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“Help! My dryer sounds like it’s gonna blow!”

When it comes to dryers, no news is good news. By this, we mean that if the dryer isn’t loud enough to hear from the other room, it’s probably doing its job. But what happens when it sounds like thunder? This is the point where people freak out and make the service call, even if it’s something small. We’re here to combat that, saving you time and money. (And making sure you have dry clothes)


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