Meet Our Skilled Appliance Repair Tech


Appliance Repair Technician

Jeremy hails from Amarillo, Texas where the pioneer spirit still lives and is as constant as the west Texas winds!  He is a new Guinco technician, loving the support that is offered and the training that is available here. He started out helping his father work on the family ranch and what it lacked in income was more than made up for in the excellent habits and work ethic provided. McGillicuddy (as Jeremy is sometimes known) has two kids and a chihuahua mix named Shaila (Shy-la).  His family is very musically inclined, loves the mountain and loves to travel! Jeremy also has a cool collection of estate tobacco pipes, some he has restored himself.

His family is very musically inclined, loves the mountain and loves to travel! Jeremy also has a cool collection of estate tobacco pipes, some he has restored himself. As a youngun’ back on the ranch, he watched Unsolved Mysteries and Duck Tales growing up.  The Winds of Family is the movie he feels best sums up his life so far. On his reading to do list right now is When People are Big and God is Small. Captain Crunch Peanut Butter gets Jeremy’s cereal vote, but the milk is always his favorite part. Western Colorado will always be his favorite place on Earth, but he has yet to skydive, indulge in some kayak fishing and visit as many historical locations as possible.  Locks of Love, the charity provides hair to children who have lost hair due to chemotherapy and other circumstances is who Jeremy supports, and asks that you do as well.

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